Experienced Educator and Curious Academic 


I see the directions AI is taking. My research demonstrates that AI is not going anywhere; it's growing in users and applications by the day. If education stakeholders don't attempt to attain at least a basic understanding of AI, we run the risk of graduating thousands (that's a conservative guess) of students who did not learn about AI and its main points of concern for many: ethics, data privacy, and job security.


I don't think that's a risk we should take.


My doctoral work at the University at Buffalo affords me the opportunities to conduct deep research into AI in the education sector (AIED), and I am ready to share it all. With a Masters degree in Secondary English Education from the State University of New York at Albany, School District Administrative certification from The College of Saint Rose, and business certification from the Bank of America Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship at Cornell, I can't wait to strategize with you about how AI can be understood simply and used safely.


Let's Shift Possibilities.